Virtual Social Space

Meet your friends and new people in this social space. Chat with each other about the exhibits, Carnival, AI, design, and more. This space also contains dancing sculptures and moving paintings. Enjoy the music, artwork, and conversations. Take photos/ screenshots and share!

Virtual Social Space 1 >>
Virtual Social Space 2 >>
Virtual Social Space 3 >>                            [Sign our Guest Book!]
Virtual Social Space 4 >>
Virtual Social Space 5 >>

Share photos of your experiences with us on Instagram!
#carnivalai #carnivalandai #aicarnival #virtualspace #digitalheritage #designcomputation #design #dancingsculptures

Note: On phones you can take screenshots, on computers, click the magic wand above the (-) and (+) controls and your image will be captured. Mozilla Hubs rooms are limited to 24 people for optimal performance, so for now, we have created several rooms. If the room you enter is full, just go to another – they are all the same. We will add more rooms if these are full.

Mozilla Hubs Navigation Controls

Touchscreen Controls
Move: Pinch
Rotate: Single-finger drag
Move and Rotate: On-screen joysticks

Keyboard and Mouse Controls
Move: Arrow or W, A, S, D keys
Turn: Q and E or left mouse button
Teleport: Right mouse button
Move faster: Shift